Dark Age of Camelot Wiki
Level: 6
Constantine's Sound
Major Brutrin
Related NPC's:
Midgard Sentry, Midgard Huscarl, Midgard Commander
Leads To:
Quest:A Just Reward


Holkin has asked you to out the Midgard Invaders from the peninsula by defeating five Midgard Sentries, five Midgard Huscarls, and a Midgard Commander. Report back to Major Brutrin in Holtham when you have succeeded.


I have been observing the invasion force as they've come ashore. It seems that the officers have arrived and have set up their camp on a hill on the northwest corner of the island. Infiltrating the camp to dispatch the commanders will be no easy feat. They are guarded by several Sentries and elite Huscarls. These Midgard fighters are more experienced than the grunt invaders that you vanquished before meeting with me. You must take care to protect yourself and not engage too many foes at once. If you are careful, you can lure in the Commander's guards one or two at a time. The Norse aren't too bright, after all. I wish you luck in your task, *name*. When you have met with victory, report back to Major Brutrin in Holtham.


Slay 5 Midgard Sentries Kill 5 Midgard Huscarls Defeat a Midgard Commander Return to Major Brutrin


Excellent work, *name*. You are more valuable than I could have dreamed. This town owes you its survival and thanks.


  • 20,900 experience
  • 9 silver and some copper
  • shining Recruit's Plate Helm
  • shining Recruit's Chain Coif
  • shining Recruit's studded Helm
  • shining Recruit's Leather Helm

Melee Weapons +1 Dex 6 Hits 10

  • shining Recruit's Quilted Cap

Magic Skills + 1 Con 6 Hits 10


The camp is pretty crowded, be careful of your pulls.
