Dark Age of Camelot Wiki
What does an In-game appeal do for me, and how do I go about performing this function?

Instructions on how to perform an appeal in-game:

  1. The first step would be to type /appeal "with the problem you are currently having"
  2. Next, a menu will appear with a series of options for you to choose from. Those options being ADVICE, BUG REPORT, VIOLATION REPORT and APPEAL.
  3. Below are what each topic and it's subcategory topics represent:

ADVICE: Click here to get help from an In-Game advisor. Use this for all Gameplay and "How do I" questions.

BUG REPORT: Click here to report a bug with your character, quests, etc.

VIOLATION REPORT: Click here to report another player for violations of the Code of Conduct. This includes harassment, naming etc.

APPEAL: Click here to report emergency situations that require the assistance of a CSR (game stoppage or stuck issues).

By clicking on each topic opens up a sub category with more options for you to choose from. This is explained below:

ADVICE - By clicking on the advice topic an advisor list will pop up on the main view screen. To ask for advice, use "/advice (name) message" This is just like using the /send command.

BUG REPORT- By clicking on the bug report topic, a brand new set of topics are brought to you. The topics include QUEST BUG, CHARACTER BUG and OTHER BUG.

QUEST BUG: Click here to report a quest bug. Please include detailed information.

CHARACTER BUG: Click here to report a bug with your character. This includes skills, items and inventory. Please include detailed information.

OTHER BUG: Click here to report a bug with the world and other issues. This includes graphical and model issues. Please include detailed information. Please note, you will only be contacted by a CSR for quest bug.

VIOLATION REPORT - By clicking on the violation report topic, a brand new set of topics are brought to you. The topics include HARASSMENT REPORT, NAMING REPORT and CONDUCT REPORT.

HARASSMENT REPORT: Click here to report another player for harassment or violations of the harassment policy. Consider using the /ignore command to ignore the harassing players.

NAMING REPORT: Click here to report another player for violations of the naming policy.

CONDUCT REPORT: - Click here to report another player for violations of the Rules of Conduct.

APPEAL - By clicking on the appeal topic, a brand new set of topics are brought to you. The topics include ADVICE, STUCK and EMERGENCY APPEAL.

ADVICE: By clicking on the advice topic an advisor list will pop up on the main view screen. To ask for advice, use "/advice (name) message" This is just like using the /send command

STUCK: If you are stuck and cannot move, first try the /STUCK command to automatically unstick yourself. If that does not work, click here to receive help.

EMERGENCY APPEAL: Click here for emergencies that require the help of a CSR (game stoppage issues).

If you wish to check the status of a current appeal, type /appeal with no text. If you should need technical support and your issue does not pertain to the above, please email support.daoc.net for further assistance.
