Dark Age of Camelot Wiki
Guild Maintenace Policy

Guilds are an integral part of Dark Age of Camelot. In order to ensure the longevity of any guild, we must make sure that every guild has a Guild Leader (guild rank 0) with the authority to make critical changes in guild structure and guild setup. We assume that if a guild leader is absent for more than 44 days, that the guild leader has abandoned the guild (for whatever reason). At this point we will auto-promote a new guild leader from within the guild. The system works as follows:

  1. If we see that there are no active Guild Leaders within a guild (anyone with guild rank 0), for a period of 30 days, then we send an e-mail to the missing Guild Leader(s). This e-mail informs them that if they do not log in within 14 days, they will forfeit their position as Guild Leader and someone else will be promoted to fill the position. They will receive a second email after 7 days of the first, if they have not logged in yet. This e-mail informs them that if they do not log in within 7 days, they will forfeit their position as Guild Leader, and someone else will be promoted to fill the position.
  2. If no Guild Leader character is logged in for a period of two weeks after becoming inactive, we will then automatically demote the old Guild Leader to Rank 9 within the guild, and promote a new Guild Leader from within the ranks of the guild. The system will promote the next active (logged in within the last week) highest ranked character within the guild. If there is more than one character of that next highest rank, then the character who has logged in most recently will be promoted.
  3. The old Guild Leader will be sent an e-mail explaining the actions that were taken.
  4. The new Guild Leader will be sent an e-mail explaining the actions that were taken.
  5. Once these changes are made, the new Guild Leader is in command of the guild, and the changes will not be reversed for any reason.

We realize that this may not be the perfect solution, but it is critical and in the best interest of everyone involved, that each guild has an active Guild Leader.
