Dark Age of Camelot Wiki

Bonuses affect your character, they can affect stats, resists and skills, they can be given by items or buffs.

Stat Bonuses[]

Name Description
Charisma Primary Casting Stat for Bards, Ministrels, and Skalds. Improves damage from spells and increases power pool.
Constitution Increase character hit points.
Dexterity Increases pierce, Thrust and archery damage, block chance, parry chance and casting speed.
Empathy Primary casting stat for Druids and Wardens.
Intelligence Primary casting stat for "list casters". Improves damage from spells and increases power pool.
Piety Increases powerpool and effects healing and damage amounts for spells. This is for classes of the Seer and Mystic background as well as healing classes from Albion.
Quickness Increases weapon swing speed.
Strength Increases encumbrance and damage with melee weapons.

Resist Bonuses[]

Name Description
Body Decreases incoming body magical damage.
Cold Decreases incoming cold magical damage.
Crush Decreases incoming crush physical damage.
Energy Decreases incoming energy magical damage.
Heat Decreases incoming heat magical damage.
Matter Decreases incoming matter magical damage.
Slash Decreases incoming slash physical damage.
Spirit Decreases incoming spirit magical damage.
Thrust Decreases incoming thrust physical damage.

Skill Bonuses[]

TODO Skill_Two_Handed = 20, Skill_Body = 21, Skill_Chants = 22, Skill_Critical_Strike = 23, Skill_Cross_Bows = 24, Skill_Crushing = 25, Skill_Death_Servant = 26, Skill_DeathSight = 27, Skill_Dual_Wield = 28, Skill_Earth = 29, Skill_Enhancement = 30, Skill_Envenom = 31, Skill_Fire = 32, Skill_Flexible_Weapon = 33, Skill_Cold = 34, Skill_Instruments = 35, Skill_Long_bows = 36, Skill_Matter = 37, Skill_Mind = 38, Skill_Pain_working = 39, Skill_Parry = 40, Skill_Polearms = 41, Skill_Rejuvenation = 42, Skill_Shields = 43, Skill_Slashing = 44, Skill_Smiting = 45, Skill_SoulRending = 46, Skill_Spirit = 47, Skill_Staff = 48, Skill_Stealth = 49, Skill_Thrusting = 50, Skill_Wind = 51, Skill_Sword = 52, Skill_Hammer = 53, Skill_Axe = 54, Skill_Left_Axe = 55, Skill_Spear = 56, Skill_Mending = 57, Skill_Augmentation = 58, //Skill_Cave_Magic = 59, Skill_Darkness = 60, Skill_Suppression = 61, Skill_Runecarving = 62, Skill_Stormcalling = 63, Skill_BeastCraft = 64, Skill_Light = 65, Skill_Void = 66, Skill_Mana = 67, Skill_Composite = 68, Skill_Battlesongs = 69, Skill_Enchantments = 70, // 71 Available for a Skill Skill_Blades = 72, Skill_Blunt = 73, Skill_Piercing = 74, Skill_Large_Weapon = 75, Skill_Mentalism = 76, Skill_Regrowth = 77, Skill_Nurture = 78, Skill_Nature = 79, Skill_Music = 80, Skill_Celtic_Dual = 81, Skill_Celtic_Spear = 82, Skill_RecurvedBow = 83, Skill_Valor = 84, Skill_Subterranean = 85, Skill_BoneArmy = 86, Skill_Verdant = 87, Skill_Creeping = 88, Skill_Arboreal = 89, Skill_Scythe = 90, Skill_Thrown_Weapons = 91, Skill_HandToHand = 92, Skill_ShortBow = 93, Skill_Pacification = 94, Skill_Savagery = 95, Skill_Nightshade = 96, Skill_Pathfinding = 97, Skill_Summoning = 98, Skill_Dementia = 99, Skill_ShadowMastery = 100, Skill_VampiiricEmbrace = 101, Skill_EtherealShriek = 102, Skill_PhantasmalWail = 103, Skill_SpectralForce = 104, Skill_OdinsWill = 105, Skill_Cursing = 106, Skill_Hexing = 107, Skill_Witchcraft = 108, Skill_MaulerStaff = 109, Skill_FistWraps = 110, Skill_Power_Strikes = 111, Skill_Magnetism = 112, Skill_Aura_Manipulation = 113, Skill_SpectralGuard = 114, Skill_Archery = 115,

ToA Bonuses[]


ArcherySpeed = 188, ArrowRecovery = 189, BuffEffectiveness = 190, CastingSpeed = 191, DeathExpLoss = 192, DebuffEffectivness = 193, Fatigue = 194, HealingEffectiveness = 195, PowerPool = 196, ResistPierce = 197, SpellDamage = 198, SpellDuration = 199, StyleDamage = 200,
